Everything you can learn about intensive care and the latest development in research from the world's top scientists. Streaming is available on request.
More than 24 hours of content in english.
Program :
Outcome in sepsis improved over the last years - Konrad Reinhart (Jena, Germany)
MRSA Control in the ICU - Stephan Harbarth (Geneva, Switzerland)
Fluids for resuscitation - J.L Vincent (Brussels, Belgium)
Relation between critical care and chronic health - Derek C Angus (Paris, France)
Round table: Teaching intensive care to medical students - Moderator : Jean-Louis Vincent, Konrad Reinhart, Gemot Marx, Peter Suter, Derek C Angus
Sepsis: Predisposing factors - Greg S Martin (Atlanta, US)
Interpretation of ScvO2 - Rupert Pearse (London, UK)
Pro/Con: Do we need to develop new antibiotics - Peter Suter (Geneva, Switzerland)
What is evidence-based medicine? - Peter Suter (Geneva, Switzerland)
Rationale for selenium therapy - Konrad Reinhart (Jena, Germany)
O2 transport: What are the goals ? - Gemot Marc (Jena, Germany)
Cytokine storm with a new drug - Ganesh Suntharalingam (Harrow, UK) Stephen C. Ward (London, UK)
Round table: Clinical research - Ethics and consent - Moderator : Derek C Angus, Greg S Martin, Konrad Reinhart, Ganesh Suntharalingam, Paul E Pepe
Acute right heart failure - Daniel Reuter (Hamburg, Germany)
Steroids administration in shock and ARDS - J-L. Vincent (Brussels, Belgium)
Nosocomial infection: Prevention 2007
Pro/Con: Intensive insulin therapy - Konrad Reinhart (Jena Germany) Gernot Marx (Jena, Germany)
Are recruitment manoeuvers useful ? - Peter Suter (Geneva, Switzerland)
Renal support + replacement therapy - Daniel C Angus (Paris, France)
Round table: How to stimulate the scientific approach in the ICU ? - Moderator : Michael Bauer, Stephan Harbarth, Daniel Reuter, Jean-Louis Vincent, Konrad Reinhart
Activated protein C: The good use - Gernot Marc (Jena, Germany)
IV Fluid - J.L Vincent (Brussels, Belgium)
Sepsis network: Benefits for the patients - Konrad Reinhart (Jena, Germany)
Pro/Con: Colloids are better for volume therapy - Greg S MArtin (Atlanta, United States) Konrad Reinhart (Jena, Germany)
Shortage of intensivists : Really ? - Derek C Angus (Paris, France)
Extravascular lung water - Greg S Martin (Atlanta, United States)
Inflammation is useful in sepsis and ARDS - Peter Suter (Geneva, Switzerland)
How I motivate my nursing team ? - Jean-Louis Vincent (Brussels, Belgium)
The right monitoring for the right patient - Rupert Pearse (London, United Kingdom)
Round table: Can we refuse ICU admission for too severely ill patients ? - Moderator: Peter Suter, Derek C Angus, Gernot Marx, Ganesh Suntharalingam
Epidemiolgy of sepsis - Greg S Martin (Atlana, U.S)
Sepsis: Outcome predictors - Konrad Reinhart (Jena, Germany)
Pro/Con: Strict guidelines are essential for intensive care - Daniel Reuter (Hamburg, Germany), J.L Vincent (Brussels, Belgium)
The family in the ICU - Peter Suter (Geneva, Switzerland)
New tools for monitoring - Daniel Reuter (Hamburg, Germany)
End-of-Life care in the ICU - Derek C Angus (Paris, France)
How to limit perioperative complications - Rupert Pearse (London, U.K)
Round table: ICU whithout walls: Benefits and pitfalls - Moderator : Konrad Reinhart, Derek C Angus, Paul E Pepe, Peter Suter, Michael Bauer
Septic cardiomyopathy - Daniel Reuter (Hamburg, Germany)
ScvO2 in early sepsis - Gernot Marx (Jena, Germany)
Clinical trials on the ICU outcome: Doomed to fail? - J.L Vincent (Brussels, Belgium)
CPR: We have made great progress
CON: Derek C Angus (Paris, France)